Hi! Does it seem weird to start with Hi in my first writer love letter to you? It does to me, but in school we were taught to ALWAYS start with a cordial greeting, and I ALWAYS follow the "STANDARDIZED RULES of WRITING." Well, sometimes, I accidentally break one or two rules, but I like Rules. I really do. Well, actually I don't. I'm an octopus when it comes to rules. I don't have eight legs if that's what you're thinking--although that would be REALLY convenient when it comes to writing and texting and eating chocolate and drinking chai. I could probably write two different novels at same time or eight--imagine being able to write EIGHT different novels in one sitting? But alas, I have only one brain, so multiple, simultaneous writing endeavors will just have to wait.
I guess I went a bit off topic there. Where was I? Oh right, I am an octopus when it comes to rules. Shove me in a box or a cage or a room with only a crack of light creeping in from the other side, and I will ooze and push and slither my tentacles into the nonexistent escape route until I'm free. That's not to say I don't know what the Writing Rules are. I do, but like I said, I am an octopus.
See for yourself.
Right?!?! I mean it's like the octopus and I are one. I know..., it's kinda creepy but cool too.
So welcome to INK Sisters Write. Thank you for agreeing to join me on this bumpy crazy topsy turvy writing journey. I probably used the most cliche adjectives to describe the road we're on. Okay, let's try it again...
Thank you for agreeing to join me on this HOLY-CRAP-THIS-IS-SCARY-AS-HELL Writing Freeway that closely resembles the GW BRIDGE on a weekday morning...
or the LA Highway anytime of day...
Oh yeah, it's way more like LA.
So thank you, and I look forward to thoughtful, intellectual exchanges where we talk about books and writing and authors and other writerly stuff, and probably sometimes chocolate, and the occasional cupcake.
Sharing Writing Love One Letter at a time,
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